The Doctrine of Flux, Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon)

Sachal Smith
18 min readMay 26, 2024


The Doctrine of Flux is a profound hermetic principle that encapsulates the dynamic nature of spiritual existence and its intrinsic connection to the elemental forces of the universe. Rooted in ancient wisdom, this doctrine asserts that the essence of life and spirituality is in a constant state of flux, mirroring the ever-changing yet balanced interplay of the fundamental elements: air, water, earth, and fire. These elements are not merely physical substances but symbolic representations of the qualities and forces that shape human experience and consciousness.

Air symbolizes intellect and communication, the breath of life that fuels our thoughts and interactions. Water represents emotion and adaptability, flowing through our lives and shaping our experiences with its transformative power. Earth stands for stability and groundedness, the foundation upon which we build our lives and find our sense of place and purpose. Fire embodies passion and energy, the driving force that ignites our ambitions and fuels our spiritual growth.

The Doctrine of Flux teaches that these elemental characteristics are not static but are constantly in motion, influencing and transforming human existence. This principle serves as a vital code for aligning with these energies to achieve spiritual harmony and personal growth. The power of the doctrine is revealed through its ability to manifest in the lives of those who embrace it, and utilize it for profound transformations leading to a deeper connection with the universal flow of life.

Chapter 54 of the Quran, known as Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon), mainly focuses on the Doctrine of Flux, as the vivid stories and metaphors of this chapter portrays the ebb and flow of human life and the divine wisdom that governs the true nature of reality. The verses highlights the necessity of aligning oneself with the divine will by illustrating the repercussions of ignoring or opposing the cosmic principles, and also emphasizes the significance of embracing the Doctrine of Flux to achieve resilience and spiritual fulfillment in life.

The Doctrine and the Authority

The function of a Doctrine can be likened to a seed, while the Authority represents the plant that emerges from this seed. However, the ground where the seed is sown can vary, symbolizing the diverse environments where a plant can take its roots; and therefore only a specific authority may arise from a particular doctrine, serving as a precise and unique catalyst to bring about the desired transformation and growth of life. The seed embodies the core principles and potential of a doctrine, while the varying ground represents the adaptability needed for the authority to manifest effectively in the contexts of different situations. Thus, the essence of a doctrine must remain consistent whilst the relative application can be versatile enough for the authority to thrive in a range of environments to fulfill its purpose.

Once the plant emerges from the seed, its health and development are influenced by the climatic conditions of the land. These conditions encompass the availability of water, the quality of the earth, the intensity of sunlight, and the presence of humidity in the air. The interaction and balance of these conditions create what is known as the Flux. This Flux is dynamic and constantly changing, embodying the primary factor that drives the manifestation of a doctrine (seed) within the authority (plant). The doctrine, like a seed, contains the potential and blueprint for growth, but its actualization into a thriving authority depends on the flux of external conditions. These conditions are not static but are in continuous interplay, much like the forces and circumstances that influence the application and effectiveness of a doctrine in real life. The doctrine must be robust and adaptable, capable of responding to the shifting flux to manifest its true potential within the authority.

Astrologically, the Sun symbolizes Doctrine, representing the source of truth, principles, and foundational knowledge. The Moon, on the other hand, symbolizes Authority, the entity that reflects, interprets, and implements the Doctrine. The Moon’s reflection of the Sun’s light varies depending on its phase and position, symbolizing the fluctuating nature of Authority’s alignment with Doctrine. At the time of the Full Moon, the Moon fully reflects the Doctrine of the Sun, symbolizing a period when Authority is perfectly aligned with and completely embodies the Doctrine. At other times, the reflection is partial, indicating a less perfect or incomplete alignment.

The Moon rules the sign of Cancer, which is astrologically associated with Authority, governance, and nurturing. The legitimacy of Authority, therefore, depends on its consistency with the Doctrine. If Authority deviates from the principles of the Doctrine, it becomes a reflection of vanity and falsehood rather than truth. This can be likened to technological products, where quality and functionality depend on adherence to proper scientific principles. The devices that do not adhere to scientific standards are often ineffective or fraudulent, mirroring how Authority, when detached from Doctrine, fails to serve its true purpose and instead represents deception. Therefore, alignment or misalignment of Authority with Doctrine determines whether it represents truth or vanity.

A doctrine is essentially a form of knowledge or science that can lead to the development of various technologies or forms of authority. These can manifest in both constructive and destructive ways, depending on their adherence to the underlying principles. The Doctrine of Flux specifically governs the application of spiritual science in the realm of spiritual technology. The chapter 54 of Quran educates authorities on the conditions necessary for aligning with this doctrine and warns of the catastrophic consequences of ignoring its principles, thus emphasizing the critical role of consistency with fundamental spiritual truths in achieving legitimate and effective authority regarding spiritual matters of life.

The Fixed Signs of Astrological Zodiac

The Fixed astrological signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — are uniquely situated in the midst of their respective seasons, embodying the essence of these times in their purest elemental forms. These signs are distinguished by their unwavering loyalty to their seasons, connecting with them in a definitive manner that resists external influences. This intrinsic purity of elements within each fixed sign characterizes them with a distinct steadfastness, thus posing significant challenges to humans. The relationship between these elements — earth, fire, water, and air — forms the foundation of intelligence in every kingdom: mineral, plant, animal, and human. Taurus represents the steadfastness of Earth, Leo the enduring flame of Fire, Scorpio the deep currents of Water, and Aquarius the clear expanse of Air. Just as plants require the proper balance of earth, water, air, and sunlight to thrive, the events and circumstances of human life demand a harmonious integration of these four dimensions of intelligence.

However, human beings often struggle to withstand the elemental pressures of the fixed signs. Individuals embodying the characteristics of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius may find it challenging to cope with the demands of their respective elements — earth, fire, water, and air — without inadvertently contaminating or compromising the elemental integrity of the other fixed signs. For instance, the grounded nature of Taurus may clash with the fiery exuberance of Leo, or the deep emotional currents of Scorpio might conflict with the intellectual clarity of Aquarius. Therefore, the Doctrine of Flux advocates for a balanced and proportional approach to all aspects of life by encouraging individuals of the fixed signs to maintain the purity of their elemental nature whilst simultaneously fostering a healthy interaction with the other elements through adjusting their actions and attitudes in response to shifting circumstances.

The Ministry of Prophet Muhammad

The primary objective of the spiritual ministry of Prophet Muhammad, as indicated in the chapter 54 of Quran, was to promulgate the Doctrine of Flux in the world. Thus, it provides the following symbolic anecdote to affirm his authority concerning this spiritual mission.

The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain. And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion. They denied (the Truth) and followed their own lusts. Yet everything will come to a decision. (54, 1–3)

The symbolism of the Moon holds profound significance, particularly when considering its traditional depiction as the Celestial Egg. This imagery is especially potent because the hatching of an egg, which brings forth new life, is one of nature’s most miraculous events. In the Quran, this symbolism is used to represent the birth of Prophet Muhammad’s ministry and the subsequent proclamation of Islam. Consequently, the cracking of the Moon serves as a powerful and divine sign affirming the Prophet’s authority to manifest the Doctrine of Flux.

This celestial event is imbued with deep meaning, signifying the confirmation of his divine mission and reinforcing his pivotal role in disseminating spiritual truths. The mention of the term “Prolonged illusion” in the text likely refers to the skepticism and doubts of his opponents regarding the authenticity of his mission. The Quran suggests that if the Prophet’s authority indeed represents the Truth, it will effectively reflect the Doctrine of Flux, thereby aligning with the principles of harmony and adaptability essential to spiritual wisdom and fulfillment.

The Fixed Sign of Taurus, and the Ultra-Conservatives

The folk of Noah denied before them, yea, they denied Our slave and said: A madman; and he was repulsed. So he cried unto his Lord, saying: I am vanquished, so give help. Then opened We the gates of heaven with pouring water. And caused the earth to gush forth springs, so that the waters met for a predestined purpose. And We carried him upon a thing of planks and nails, That ran (upon the waters) in Our sight, as a reward for him who was rejected. And verily We left it as a token; but is there any that remembereth? Then see how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings! And in truth We have made the Qur’an easy to remember; but is there any that remembereth? (54, 9–17)

Taurus, a fixed sign associated with the element of earth, embodies qualities of solidity, stubbornness, durability, and resilience. This sign imparts behaviors of social conformity and a strong sense of ethics to individuals, who often embrace traditional perspectives and cultural norms. Under the influence of Taurus, stability and continuity are highly valued, leading to a perpetuation of existing modes of life for extended periods.

While these attributes may appear positive, fostering a sense of order and reliability, they can also lead to a tragic downside: profound stagnation. The rigidity and resistance to change inherent in the fixed earth sign of Taurus can cause life to become static and unyielding, inhibiting growth and evolution.

This stagnation is especially significant when considering Taurus’s opposition to Scorpio, the fixed water sign whose dynamic nature stands in stark contrast to the steadfastness of Taurus. The interplay between Taurus and Scorpio underscores the importance of balance between stability and change. The earth element’s grounding force provides a foundation for security and continuity, while the water element’s fluidity introduces the necessary adaptability and transformation that can help mitigate the potential for stagnation, and thereby achieving a harmonious existence that values both tradition and progress.

The people of Noah exhibited the negative traits traditionally associated with the fixed sign of Taurus. Despite enjoying extraordinarily long lifespans that often reached up to a thousand years, they lacked intelligence and ambition in their lifestyle. Their aversion to reproductive acts led to a significant population decline with every new generation emerging not in years, but in centuries. Consequently, it was not uncommon for the youngest family member to be several hundred years old. Their extreme devotion to the meaningless traditions of vanity rendered them haughty and superficial in character, and unfit for the authentic mode of human life.

Their way of life was marked by profound stagnation which stifled innovation and spiritual growth of humanity. This rigid adherence to tradition and resistance to change had ossified their development, thus creating an urgent need for new dynamic movements in their culture. This need for transformation was symbolically depicted by the divine punishment delivered to them through the element of water. The Quran describes a predestined meeting of waters from both heaven and earth, symbolizing the divine forces of both Doctrine and Authority working together to bring about their destruction. The rigidity and stubbornness of the people of Noah that is associated with the fixed nature of Taurus, led to their downfall because they failed to recognize the essential fluidity required for spiritual growth in life.

However, Noah himself survived this divine retribution due to his intelligence and skill in constructing the ark, which enabled him to navigate the tumultuous waters of divine retribution. This act of survival and foresight elevated Noah as a true Authority in the Doctrine of Flux. His ability to foresee the impending disaster and take appropriate action exemplified the wisdom of adapting to changing circumstances. In essence, Noah’s narrative is a profound allegory for the necessity of flexibility and innovation in the face of life’s inevitable changes. It emphasizes that while tradition and stability are important, they must be balanced with the capacity for adaptation and transformation.

The Fixed Sign of Scorpio, and the Ultra-Liberals

The folk of Lot rejected warnings. Lo! We sent a storm of stones upon them (all) save the family of Lot, whom We rescued in the last watch of the night, As grace from Us. Thus We reward him who giveth thanks. And he indeed had warned them of Our blow, but they did doubt the warnings. They even asked of him his guests for an ill purpose. Then We blinded their eyes (and said): Taste now My punishment after My warnings! And in truth the punishment decreed befell them early in the morning. Now taste My punishment after My warnings! And in truth We have made the Qur’an easy to remember; but is there any that remembereth? (54, 33–40)

Scorpio, a fixed sign associated with the element of water, embodies profound and multifaceted characteristics that require careful contemplation. Water, often referred to as the universal solvent, performs the essential functions of dissolution and cleansing, making it vital for the maintenance and continuation of life. Its ability to quench the thirst of living beings and maintain cleanliness underscores its indispensable role in sustaining all forms of life. However, despite its critical importance, water possesses inherent flaws in its nature as it recognizes no boundaries, assumes no definite shape, and can inundate anything in its path, leading to potential chaos and destruction.

Water symbolizes emotional depth, intuition, and the subconscious mind; attributes that are intrinsic to the essence of Scorpio. The primary challenge for Scorpio lies in harnessing the transformative power of water by channeling the flow of its intense emotions and profound insights towards constructive ends. This involves learning to contain and direct the overwhelming energy of water by transforming its potential volatility into a wellspring of creative and spiritual nourishment, and thereby fulfilling the sign’s profound capacity to contribute to the greater good.

The activities of the people of Lot present a paradoxical blend of fascination and repulsion. These individuals truly went rogue, rejecting all societal traditions and becoming dissolute beyond measure. Their minds were perpetually occupied with sexual perversions, and they continuously sought new ways to indulge in their depravity. When they discovered that Lot had beautiful foreign boys as visitors, they intended to welcome these newcomers through acts of sexual violation.

Human sexuality, like any other trait is not inherently ignoble as long as it serves its desirable and constructive objectives. However, when love degenerates into lust that trespasses all boundaries, then humans lose their distinction from animals and even potentially becoming worse than beasts. The people of Lot, like the people of Noah, failed to appreciate the dynamic interplay of elemental forces that govern existence. While the people of Noah faced divine retribution through a deluge of water, the people of Lot encountered their downfall through a rain of stones. Their actions, driven by unchecked desires and a blatant disregard for moral and natural laws, ultimately led to their destruction by the very elements they disrespected. This allegory serves as a profound reminder of the necessity to harmonize our primal instincts with higher principles by respecting the natural order to achieve true fulfillment and avoid catastrophic consequences. The Doctrine of Flux teaches that the true survival of humanity depends on the wisdom of recognizing the limits of our desires by maintaining an attitude of balance in life.

The Fixed Sign of Aquarius, and the Ultra-Socialists

(The tribe of) A’ad rejected warnings. Then how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings. Lo! We let loose on them a raging wind on a day of constant calamity, Sweeping men away as though they were uprooted trunks of palm-trees. Then see how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings! And in truth We have made the Qur’an easy to remember; but is there any that remembereth? (54, 18–22)

Aquarius, a fixed sign associated with the element of air, carries a unique and somewhat paradoxical symbolism. The imagery of Aquarius, often depicted as a man bearing a pitcher of water, stands out as an anomaly because the task of bearing water in ancient cultures was traditionally reserved only for women, and therefore this unusual representation symbolizes the ideal of intellectual and spiritual purity, where the mind and spirit remain untainted by emotional or physical impurities. The purity of Aquarius air signifies an unyielding clarity of thought and vision, maintaining its pristine nature that is completely devoid of humidity, warmth, and dust particles; thus, resulting in a cold, clean, and heartless air that can preserve intellectual and spiritual integrity in a world often mired by emotional and material distractions. However, this degree of purity can also render the Aquarius air somewhat detached and impersonal, embodying the starkness and objectivity to engage with the world without being consumed by it, and preserving the essence of ones true nature amidst the chaos of existence.

The tribe of A’ad, as detailed in chapter 54 of the Quran, inhabited a large, cold, and desolate area that can be likened to the harsh and unforgiving climate of the Arctic. This severe environment naturally produced a people who were exceptionally tough and resilient; thus, well-adapted to endure the extreme cold and the austere conditions of their habitat. However, their downfall began when they sought to enhance their comfort and convenience by burning massive quantities of wood to generate heat. This practice led them to deforest vast areas by cutting down numerous trees, which not only disrupted the ecological balance but also severely contaminated the previously pure air associated with the element of Aquarius.

The air of Aquarius, thus symbolically representing the clarity of thoughts became tainted as the pure and clear air transformed into a cloud of thick black smoke due to their excessive and unsustainable practices. This pollution represented a profound betrayal of their elemental nature, as they turned the life-sustaining air into a harmful and oppressive condition for the vital existence of life. The extensive deforestation caused in the pursuit of luxury and pleasure ultimately led to their downfall, as divine retribution came in the form of a raging wind causing total devastation to their land. This furious wind uprooted them and left them metaphorically similar to “uprooted trunks of palm-trees”, as a reflection of the destruction they had wrought upon their environment. Therefore, the story of A’ad teaches the wisdom of embracing the dynamic interplay of elemental forces to maintain the natural order, whose disruption can lead to a downfall as profound and tragic as that experienced by the tribe of A’ad.

The Fixed Sign of Leo, and the Ultra-Fascists

(The tribe of) Thamud rejected warnings. For they said; Is it a mortal man, alone among us, that we are to follow? Then indeed we should fall into error and madness. Hath the remembrance been given unto him alone among us? Nay, but he is a rash liar. (Unto their warner it was said): To-morrow they will know who is the rash liar. Lo! We are sending the she-camel as a test for them; so watch them and have patience; And inform them that the water is to be shared between (her and) them. Every drinking will be witnessed. But they call their comrade and he took and hamstrung (her). Then see how (dreadful) was My punishment after My warnings! Lo! We sent upon them one Shout, and they became as the dry twigs (rejected by) the builder of a cattle-fold. And in truth We have made the Qur’an easy to remember; but is there any that remembereth? (54, 23–32)

Leo, as a fixed sign, is intrinsically linked to the element of fire, which embodies both the potential for creation and destruction in equal measure. The primary role of fire is fundamentally transformative, as it consumes and converts substances, thus making it a potent agent of change. Within the astrological context, the fire of Leo never ceases to burn, constantly influencing everything within its reach and continuously reshaping its surroundings. This eternal flame symbolizes an unyielding vitality, and serves as a powerful force for purification. A single spark of fire can ignite vast amounts of waste, reducing them to ashes, and thereby demonstrating its remarkable ability in cleansing and renewal.

Moreover, fire provides illumination amidst the darkness, representing enlightenment and the relentless pursuit of truth. Astrologically, fire is a profound symbol of individuality and authenticity, possessing the unique capability to strip away pretense and falsehood by revealing the underlying reality in its most pristine and unadulterated form. Throughout history, various cultures have utilized fire as a means of judgment and purification by subjecting individuals to the trials of its purifying flames to determine guilt or innocence.

Furthermore, fire stands out as a readily available and highly adaptable source of energy, whose transformative potential has set human cultures distinctly apart from the animal kingdom through its diverse and innovative applications. The controlled use of fire, whether for cooking, warmth, or industrial purposes, is a hallmark of human civilization for ingenuity and advancement. The fire associated with Leo symbolizes an unrelenting quest for truth, a beacon of enlightenment, and a testament to technological innovation and cultural evolution. It highlights the profound importance of harnessing this powerful element wisely for authenticity, integrity, and continuous self-improvement, through the cultivation of its purifying and enlightening qualities, whilst mitigating its capacity for harm and destruction.

The Thamud, a notable tribe in ancient history, lived under drastically different conditions compared to the tribe of A’ad. While the A’ad resided in cold, desolate areas, the Thamud’s environment was the scorching, arid deserts, where intense heat waves evaporated all water reservoirs, creating a severe scarcity of this essential resource. The relentless high temperatures and the resultant evaporation compelled every living being — plants, animals, and humans alike — to engage in a fierce struggle for survival. Despite their superior intellect, which set them apart from other creatures, the Thamud misused their cognitive abilities to monopolize the limited water supplies, ensuring their survival at the expense of others, who were left to perish from thirst.

In response to their selfishness, the Thamud were given a symbolic test in the form of a she-camel, intended to serve as a lesson in justice and equitable resource distribution among all creatures. However, the Thamud’s internal corruption and moral decay led them to fail this crucial test, thus reflecting an inability to live up to the standards of intelligence and ethical conduct expected of humanity. The Thamud rejected spiritual illumination and guidance symbolized by the fixed fire of Leo, and thus undermined the principles of enlightenment, justice, and communal responsibility. Their refusal to integrate the values of purity, truth, and the destruction of vanity led to their metaphorical and literal destruction. They dismissed the sacred fire of Leo symbolizing the very essence of truth and enlightenment, which ultimately consumed them by reducing them to ashes and marking their downfall. The demise of the Thamud serves as a stark demonstration of the Doctrine of Flux, which illustrates the significance of integrating the spiritual light of ethical wisdom into the fabric of human life.

The End Note

The Doctrine of Flux embodies the profound intelligence that guides individuals in maintaining a balanced and proportional approach to every aspect of their lives. The challenges and pressures inherent in the fixed signs are not merely obstacles but are instrumental in fostering spiritual and personal development. The intricate interplay of elemental forces in the fixed signs helps individuals to achieve a harmonious existence by discovering a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe. It underscores the importance of fluidity and adaptability to navigate the pressures of life, and to push towards the realization of their latent potential. Through maintaining this dynamic equilibrium, individuals can experience personal growth while simultaneously contributing to the collective well-being of their environment. The process is akin to a Game of Thrones, where the continuous struggle for balance and harmony ultimately leads to a definite and purposeful end. The Quran says,

Lo! We have created every thing by measure. And Our commandment is but one (commandment), as the twinkling of an eye. (54, 49–50)

